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Fastpic Introduces Client Management

Press Release #: 628 of 949

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Fastpic Introduces Client Management






Fastpic Introduces Client Management

FastPic5 inventory management software introduces a new feature to help organizations segment inventory. The client management feature allows businesses to segment inventory by functional area or by client ownership. This organization tool allows for more security, visibility and ownership of goods.

With the new client management feature each user can be assigned to a specific category of inventory. This is particularly helpful for organizations that handle inventory for multiple clients. For instance, specific users can be authorized to only view and manage inventory assigned to Client A, while another set of users can be authorized to view and manage inventory assigned to Client B. This segmentation ensures that if inventory is short for Client A, it is not supplemented from inventory that belongs to Client B.

Inventory can also be segmented by functional area. For example, using the new client management feature, organizations can limit the maintenance department access to their inventory only and the production to theirs. Inventory becomes easier to sort through when employees can access only the inventory that is important to their job function.

Limiting the amount of inventory an individual has access to also increases accountability. This protects not only the user, but the inventory itself. The new client management feature in FastPic5 organizes a warehouse to help keep not only the inventory secure but also monitors each users access to that inventory. This in turn reassures customers that their products are safe. Monitoring visibility and enhancing security results in satisfied customers and repeat business.

Kardex Remstar, LLC, a company of the Kardex Group is a leading provider of automated storage and retrieval systems for manufacturing, distribution, warehousing, offices and institutions. For information about our dynamic storage solutions, call 800-639-5805, visit www.KardexRemstar.com.

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